Posts Published by Zahedul Amin

An entrepreneur, researcher, and consultant with 15 years of experience working for donors, development agencies, private enterprises, and government entities. He co-founded LightCastle Partners: a consulting firm looking to foster inclusive economic growth for Bangladesh and beyond. He has extensive research and project implementation experience across multiple sectors and loves to solve development problems, adopting a systemic approach.

A Knowledge Worker’s Guide to Avoiding Technology Distractions

Knowledge workers face numerous challenges, but one of the most damaging is technology-driven distractions. These distractions can significantly lower productivity, impair performance, and derail career aspirations. With the advent and popularization of smartphones and social media platforms, multitasking has become the norm. As we juggle mission-critical tasks alongside WhatsApp messages and emails, the depth and quality of our output suffer, leading to missed deadlines and damaged professional reputations.

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